When The Buck Stops With You Where Do You Turn?

When you are the owner or CEO of a business, you need extra support.

I have designed a special Executive Support Program just for you. Read below to find out more.

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About the Executive Support Program.
Personal one to one support for you and your career.

Support For Business Owners


Top executives and Business owners need support too. You have high demands placed on you and in order to function at your best you need to have confidential support and a good self-care plan

 Life is busy in the world you inhabit. I'm guessing you have neither the time nor the inclination to develop an action plan that deals with your own health and well-being. That's where I come in.

 As a Professional Stress Consultant I will assess your unique situation, isolate areas that cause concern and develop a comprehensive plan of action to keep you in top form.

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Do You Need Stress Support?

If you are experiencing any of the following, ask me for a free confidential conversation.

  • Your energy levels have dropped
  • You have trouble sleeping
  • Decline in productivity
  • Feel irritable or have angry outbursts
  • Have headaches or back pain
  • Feel under pressure
  • Loosing concentration
  • Feel anxious or depressed
  • Lack stamina
  • Have high blood pressure or are overweight
  • Digestive issues
  • Reduced decision making ability
  • Forgetful
  • Uncharacteristic behaviour


Stop Accepting Stress As Normal

The demands of the business world are such that many of the symptoms mentioned above are overlooked and even accepted as normal. We must stop accepting 'Stress' as normal. Stress is the silent killer. Studies show that 80% of doctors’  visits are due to stress related illness.

 It's not too late. If you are suffering any of the effects of Stress recognize this as a red flag to make some changes in your life.

Executive Support Program


Those in leadership and management roles are faced with particular demands which can easily lead to stress. Leading, managing change and self-esteem are significant factors that contribute to either struggling to stay on top or embracing every challenge with ease. A top level manager can only be effective by maintaining his or her own health.


Being aware of stress and recognizing the need to address it is the first step to managing your health. Establishing a good routine for personal well-being is crucial for those who want to stay performing at their best.

 As a Professional Stress Consultant, Life Coach and Business Coach, I will analyze your situation and together, during our one to one sessions, we will draw up a plan so you can get back on form and stay that way.  

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With the Executive Support Program you will –

  • Identify your stress triggers
  • Unload your worries in a confidential environment
  • Gain a new perspective in handling issues both personal and in business
  • Learn coping strategies for stress
  • Set up a self-care programme for your health and well-being
  • Learn how to manage time effectively and be more productive
  • Clarify your boundaries and put suitable boundaries in place
  • Learn to switch off and relax
  • Create a mindset that serves you
  • Develop a personal strategic plan to manage stress and enjoy your life


Where the Executive Support Program differs from many others is that I have formulated a unique system that incorporates all aspects of your life. We address the Psychological, Environmental, Physical and Spiritual factors that influence you and that will also guide you to living your best life free of stress and worry.


"At the start, I didn't want to admit that I was stressed. Inside I knew I couldn't go on like I had been because it was all getting too much. With gentle inquiry, Averil discovered what was really going on. She taught me to recognize when stress was building up and to do something about it. I now sleep better, relate better to my employees and have a much better plan for managing my life. Thank you Averil."
Pete, Wellington NZ  


Get In Touch

Don't let another day go by feeling unsupported in your role.
Stress has a cumulative effect and without support you and your business can suffer.

Inquire Now