Staying Calm And Balanced In Times Of Corona Panic: Simple Activities You Can Do Today


As COVID-19 slowly makes its way across the world and into our towns and cities, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to remain calm and not panic.

We have been told by authorities to say in our homes in order to prevent spread, but that does not mean that we should go crazy inside and solely focus our attention on what is happening with the world outside. Worry and anxiety is a natural reaction when we don’t know what will happen with our businesses or how we will come through this pandemic, but we mustn’t let it control us.
Try to limit how much news you watch, especially some of the reporting that only propagates fear and anxiety. First and foremost, get updates and facts from reliable sources, and then focus your attention elsewhere.

You can avoid contact with other people and wash your hands more carefully, but your ability to remain calm comes from within. That means you’ll have to take the necessary steps in reducing your stress and anxiety...

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