How You Perceive Stress Is A Game Changer


What if I told you that how you see stress could completely change how it affects your mental and physical health? Believe it or not, by shifting how we view stress, we can turn it from a heavy burden into something that fuels our personal growth and builds our resilience.


In this post, we’ll explore the power of perception when it comes to stress, how a positive mindset can bring real benefits, and simple strategies you can use to create a more constructive view of stress in your life.


Redefining Stress: The Power of Perception

We all face stress—it’s a natural part of life. But how we handle it can make all the difference. When stress shows up, our bodies respond by preparing for “fight or flight,” but our mind plays a big role in how we actually experience stress. The secret? It’s all about how we perceive the situation.


As highlighted in a New York Times article, “How to Be Better at Stress,” changing...

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3 Tips To Reset Your Brain For Stress Relief


Do you get that droopy feeling toward the end of the week and feel that it takes a huge effort to concentrate? It could be that your brain is just plain tired.


When your brain feels fried, it’s a good sign it’s time to sit back and rest for a while. No one can be productive, happy, or even remotely capable of accomplishing anything when their brain is on overdrive. In a society in which being busy is glamourized as amazing, so many people are overworked, overdoing it, and overwhelmed. No one wants to live like that, and that’s why it’s so important to learn how to reset your brain and let go of some stress.


1. Work Out

Take time to get physical. Do what you love to do. It doesn’t have to be a gym membership and heavy weight-training. You can focus your physical exercise by jogging, taking walks, doing yoga, dancing or playing football with the kids. Do something you enjoy, and focus on pushing yourself. Just when you think you...

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Why Getting Organized Is Good For You


We know that some people have a natural tendency to be organized – and others, not so much. Regardless of your preferences there are numerous benefits to being in control and developing a clutter-free lifestyle.


  1. Less stress

When organized you are automatically less stressed, you know where your keys, wallet, important papers, phone charger and phone are. Similarly, if your project plan is up to date and you complete your reports on time, there’s no need to worry about on-the-spot requests for project updates or meetings.


  1. More time

Planning your time and keeping up-to-date means you can allocate time for everything in your life, including downtime. Being organized means, you won’t get sidetracked or panicked by not being able to find important items. You’ll be punctual and more productive.


  1. Ready for the unexpected

You can be prepared for last-minute requests or deadlines because you’re not distracted by untidiness or the...

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Staying Calm And Balanced In Times Of Corona Panic: Simple Activities You Can Do Today


As COVID-19 slowly makes its way across the world and into our towns and cities, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to remain calm and not panic.

We have been told by authorities to say in our homes in order to prevent spread, but that does not mean that we should go crazy inside and solely focus our attention on what is happening with the world outside. Worry and anxiety is a natural reaction when we don’t know what will happen with our businesses or how we will come through this pandemic, but we mustn’t let it control us.
Try to limit how much news you watch, especially some of the reporting that only propagates fear and anxiety. First and foremost, get updates and facts from reliable sources, and then focus your attention elsewhere.

You can avoid contact with other people and wash your hands more carefully, but your ability to remain calm comes from within. That means you’ll have to take the necessary steps in reducing your stress and anxiety...

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5 Ways To Lower Business Stress


Everyone who manages a business has to deal with a multitude of issues which can lead to enormous pressure and stress.

Expectations, deadlines, achievements, and goals can all add up to a bucket full of stress, more than you’d like to be carrying.

Choosing ways to reduce the load is a great way to work smarter rather than harder. Here are five ways you can reduce the pressures at work to lower your stress levels:

  1. Recognize What You Can And Can’t Control

The well-known Serenity Prayer can be useful for all, whether you are a recovering alcoholic or not! “God, grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference.” Being able to discern the difference between what you can and what you cannot control removes a lot of unnecessary stress. You can immediately stop stressing over all the things you cannot control. This frees up energy to focus on what you can control.

  1. Breathe
  2. ...
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How to Stay Committed To Your Business


When starting your own business it’s often easy to get yourself started, but a lot harder to keep yourself going when things get tougher. Whether it’s a slowdown in the market, increased competition or the pressure of work, staying committed and maintaining a positive focus in your business can be a challenge. Here are ten tips to help you stay committed.


  1. Set goals. Without goals, there’s really not much reason for you to be in business.  If you want to stay connected to your business, it helps to make yourself realize why you’re in business to begin with.


  1. Keep goals in mind. You started your business for a reason.  You need to keep that in mind so you don’t get weighed down by the day-to-day of your work.  Keep little pictures or other memorabilia around that remind you of why you’re doing this is the first place. 


  1. Be flexible. There’s not a one-size-fits-all method to success; you might...
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Keeping ahead of Christmas Stress


Christmas can be a very stressful time for many of us, but there are plenty of things you can do each day to reduce the stress in all areas of your life. Review this checklist daily as a reminder to de-stress.

A good way to incorporate these strategies into your lifestyle is to add one technique each week. This will give you a chance to practice it enough to start using it automatically before you add another strategy.

As you add these techniques one by one, you’ll find that your stress levels will decrease and your positive energy will rise, allowing you to more fully enjoy your life!

Daily Strategies to Reduce Stress or Redirect its Energy

1.         Start your day stress-free.

                 - Throw out your alarm clock.

                 - Give thanks.


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Practical Methods for Getting More Thinking Done at Work

It is not always easy to work efficiently and effectively when you run your own business. There are external pressures that can de-rail you from your purpose.

Whether you own your own business or are employed, many tasks require significant thought, but internal and external distractions can make it difficult to concentrate.

These are some methods to use in the workplace to help you think better.


Strategies From Within


1.      Clarify your purpose. Remind yourself about why your work matters so you'll feel more motivated. Maybe you want to help a customer have a better day or ensure your company reaches a financial target.

2.      Tap into your unconscious. Put aside difficult dilemmas and do some routine paperwork. Something methodical that keeps the conscious mind occupied. The answers may come to you naturally.

3.      Suspend worrying. Resolve to tackle one issue at a time. Focus on your...

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Six Quick Stress Reduction Techniques

Stress is a natural response. In fact, it’s a necessary response. A little stress helps us to avoid dangerous situations and act when necessary. However, stress can become a problem when used irrationally.

 Prolonged daily stress has been proven to affect overall health negatively and may lead to many illnesses. Short bursts of stress on the other hand are less damaging, but may also be taxing on the body when done regularly.


To avoid stress at work, home or in general try one of our quick stress reduction techniques:


#1 – Take a deep breath. Breathing helps to regulate your stress levels. Proper breathing technique can slow down your heart beat as well as reduce your cortisol levels – these can rise dangerously when you are feeling very stressed.

The old adage of "take a deep breath and count to ten" couldn’t be more spot on. Doing this gives your body time to slow down and think before getting too out of control. It is the difference...

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