How your Money Memories Impact your Financial Success


Personal finance is more than just numbers and budgets; it's often tied to our beliefs and emotions related to money.
Understanding your "money blocks" – the subconscious beliefs that limit your financial potential – can be a game-changer. These blocks often stem from our early experiences and the influence of key people in our lives, like parents or mentors.

Let's break it down. Think back to your childhood and the role money played in your family. Was it a source of stress, or was there a sense of abundance? These early impressions form the basis of our financial attitudes. For example, if money was always tight, you might find yourself either overly cautious or perhaps a bit reckless with your finances, as a reaction to those formative years.


Authority figures in our lives also shape our money mindset. The lessons from a teacher, the advice of a family friend, or even the habits of a respected elder leave lasting imprints. These influences can manifest...

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Is Your Money Mindset Holding You Back from Business Growth?


Have you wondered if mindset issues are preventing the flow of money into your business? The fact is, almost everyone has limiting beliefs and mindset issues that hold them back from achieving what they want in life. And money issues are no different.
These blocks around money often stem from our early experiences and influences from key people in our lives. Add your own money personality to the mix and you have a collection of thoughts and beliefs that will either help or hinder your dreams.

You may see evidence of these mindset issues in missed opportunities or unfinished projects. The invitation to speak at an online event you turned down because you didn't feel ready. Or that e-book you wrote 6 months ago that you haven’t launched because you think your writing isn’t good enough, even though you could have hired an editor to help you with it. In fact, you might have already started on another project instead of launching the first, second, or third.


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Crafting Your Success Story: A Woman Entrepreneur's Guide to Annual Business Planning


I’ve been a business and marketing coach for some time now, and I've seen firsthand the transformative power of a well-crafted annual business plan, especially for women entrepreneurs in the service industry. In a world where different ideas and opportunities fire at us from all directions, having a clear roadmap for the next 12 months is not just about setting goals – it's about writing your own success story and sticking to a clear path.


The Magic of a Well-Defined Plan

Running a successful business takes more than having a great idea and hoping it comes to fruition. It takes careful planning and implementation. If you identify with being a creative sort, planning may not come naturally to you, in fact, you may shy away from all that ‘official’ type stuff completely. However, planning is important if you want to achieve your goals and serve the people who need you.

There are several areas to consider when creating your annual plan, but here...

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5 Tips for Keeping Self-sabotage at Bay

motivation productivity Dec 03, 2023


As a committed business owner, you want to be productive. In fact, you might even wake up in the morning with all kinds of enthusiasm for the projects you’re going to get done during the day.

Now fast forward a few hours, and suddenly you’re wondering where the day went, feeling like you never accomplished anything at all.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Most people feel this way at least sometimes. The trick is to realize that this isn’t something entirely outside of your control. Sure, things are going to happen, which derail you, but more often than not, you’re succumbing to self-sabotage. You’ve derailed yourself, through your own negative beliefs and self-talk.

You may feel that the only way to combat this issue is to spend time – and probably many dollars, on therapeutic processes that will free you of these limiting beliefs. That would indeed be helpful, but there are some shortcuts you can use to lift your mindset...

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How to Overcome Marketing Roadblocks and Connect With Your Audience


Have you ever felt like you're speaking into a void, pouring your heart and soul into your coaching, therapy, or healing business, yet struggling to connect with the people who need you most?


Let me tell you about Emma, a compassionate and talented life coach who found herself in this exact situation. She started her business fueled by a genuine desire to make a difference in people's lives. Yet, she quickly realized that the journey from passion to profits was not as straightforward as she had hoped.


Emma is not alone in this struggle. Many new coaches, therapists, and healers face similar challenges when it comes to reaching their audience and signing up new clients. The business side of things can often feel like a foreign language, with a steep learning curve that leaves many feeling overwhelmed and stuck.


The first hurdle that many new business owners face is the lack of a clear and unique offering. Without a well-defined service that stands out from...

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The Empathetic Marketing Approach: Engaging Clients with Thoughtful Storytelling


In today’s business environment, heart-based entrepreneurs are discovering that the most powerful marketing tool isn't flashy graphics or hard-hitting sales pitches. Instead, it's something infinitely more genuine: empathy. Embracing the empathetic marketing approach, especially through thoughtful storytelling, can transform the way you connect with your clients.

What is Empathetic Marketing?

At its heart, empathetic marketing is about understanding and resonating with the feelings, thoughts, and needs of your audience. It's not about what you want to sell, but about what your clients need to hear. For heart centered professionals, this approach should feel intuitive. After all, empathy is often at the core of what you do.

Why Storytelling?

Stories hold universal appeal. They form the backbone of cultures, shape histories, and personal identities. In marketing, stories have the ability to make a direct impact on our perceptions. They bypass the analytical brain and...

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Why Am I Struggling To Get Clients? Unravelling the Dilemma


Running your business can be stressful, and one of the biggest challenges women entrepreneurs face is getting a steady flow of clients.

As a service provider, you are fully attuned to what your clients want and are amazing at getting them their desired results. So why aren’t you getting more clients? Often, our external struggles mirror our internal journey so, if you are wondering why you are not getting enough ideal clients then it may be time to reflect on your inner world as well as outer, practical strategies.


Mindset: The Foundation of Your Business

As much as we focus on strategy, networking, and offers, your mindset is equally, if not more, important. If you're holding onto limiting beliefs—perhaps a thought that you're not experienced enough, not good enough, or simply not worthy—these thoughts could be your biggest roadblocks. It's important to identify these self-limiting beliefs, work through them and replace them with empowering...

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Reframe, Heal, and Prosper: How Addressing Limiting Beliefs Can Ignite Your Business Growth

mindset Jul 27, 2023


In the world of entrepreneurship, invisible barriers often stand between a business and its full potential. These barriers are not market fluctuations, competition, or economic downturns, but something far more personal and insidious - limiting beliefs and past traumas. For heart-centered entrepreneurs, people who have chosen a path that aligns with their values and passions, these internal obstacles can be a major stumbling block to their success.    


These entrepreneurs are committed to serving others and making a positive impact in the world. However, they may find themselves grappling with self-doubt, fear, and hesitation, all stemming from deeply ingrained limiting beliefs and past traumas. When left unaddressed, these internal barriers can suppress  growth and prevent their businesses from flourishing.


 "You begin to fly when you let go of self-limiting beliefs and allow your mind and aspirations to rise to greater heights."...

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Where to Find Great Business Networking Opportunities

marketing May 16, 2023


People have been seeking connection with others for thousands of years, yet business networking is a relatively new phenomenon. The more you get out there and network, the more you’ll meet people with whom you can create genuine, mutually beneficial relationships. So, if networking is one of your preferred marketing mediums, the key is to find regular networking opportunities and start building relationships. Here are 8 ways to find places to network.


Networking Sites

Check out networking sites where people list events you can attend. The most popular ones are Meetup and Eventbrite. They list meetings in your local area based around various themes, and it’s an easy way to find events to attend near you.


Social Media

In the same way, you can find events listed on social media. People will advertise opportunities in their news feed and some platforms like Facebook allow you to create events. Use the search function to look for networking opportunities...

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Simple Steps to Build Confidence in Your Actions

confidence May 03, 2023

Do you ever feel trapped by indecision? When the pressure is on and you know you have to do something but you’re afraid to act. You don’t have much time to figure out the next steps, and you're stalling out because you're suddenly unsure. In fact, you’re not even sure you can make the right decision, much less act on it. What do you do?


The problem isn’t so much about what needs to be decided. Instead, when this happens, you need to figure out how to find the confidence to act. But where can you gain unwavering self-belief fast?


Give Yourself a Pep Talk

Hey, you've been here before. You've had doubts, made decisions, and in the end, things turned out just fine. Remind yourself of a little previous history where you know you did well. Now use a little logic: if you've done it before, it's clear you can do it again.


Choose Who you Hang Out With

Do you have a support system? If those around you are more likely to criticize than cheer you on,...

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