Increase Your Income By Building Momentum


If you have been reading the previous posts in this Money Maker Series you will see that we are nearing the end. Now it’s time to build and maintain momentum.

You’ve been gathering tools and knowledge throughout this month, and now it’s time to put everything into action with greater intensity. Let’s talk about how momentum, once built, can turn small gains into significant successes and propel your business toward your financial targets.


Why Momentum Matters in Business

In business, especially towards the end of a month or a financial quarter, building momentum can mean the difference between meeting your goals and surpassing them. It can transform your energy levels, sharpen your focus, and increase your drive to succeed.


Cultivating Your Business Momentum

Momentum starts with setting clear, actionable goals. If you’ve been following this series, you should have these in place already. Now, it's about amplifying your efforts. How...

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Track your income and expenses daily


Most business owners know that in order to move towards your goals, you need to track specific activities and data. Setting a target and measuring your results will keep you on track and moving in the right direction.

Perhaps you want to build your list? State it in very specific numbers how big you want to grow it, how fast you want to grow it, and exactly the steps you’ll talk to accomplish it based on your research. Then track it. Analyze what you’ve tracked, adjust, continue, and repeat. As you track the effects of your actions, you can improve and correct.


'If the metrics you are looking at aren't useful in optimizing your strategy - stop looking at them.'
Mark Twain



Think about your goal and decide what particular metrics you will keep an eye on to make sure you meet your goal.

One specific thing I suggest you do, is to start tracking your income and expenses every single day.

The great thing about this is that you can track using an...

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How To Write A Marketing Plan


Crafting a marketing plan will help you understand how to get the word out about your offerings. Not only that - as you develop the marketing plan, you’ll also come up with new products and services to provide for your audience. It doesn’t matter if your business is big or small; a marketing plan will help you achieve the results you desire. Your marketing plan can be one page or longer.

Here is a checklist of what you need to do.


* Create a Mission Statement – It can be as simple as describing what you do, for whom, why you do it, and how you do it. It’s just one to three sentences. The best way to create a good mission statement is to look at other mission statements and try to fill in the blanks with your own thoughts for your audience.


* Describe Your Target Audience – You should be able to describe your target audience easily. If you do the research and get to know your audience, you should be able to pick out and describe one...

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Strategic Planning Tips for Small Business


Many small business owners lack a strategic plan for their business, usually for one of two reasons: either they think that strategic planning is what big companies do therefore, it’s not for them or they don’t understand the advantages of having a strategic plan in place.

However, without an overall strategy, a business lacks the direction it needs to be successful. Businesses may set financial goals, client acquisition goals, or any number of goals, but unless these goals are placed within the framework of a larger strategy, they lose their impact. It can be very easy to go off on tangents whilst pursuing individual goals and by the time the end of the year rolls around, you are miles off course from where you hoped you’d be.

Strategic planning for a small business doesn’t need to be difficult or time consuming, but your plan does need to identify what you want to accomplish and how you intend to achieve those goals.

If you want to start developing...

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Two Step

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