How to Overcome Marketing Roadblocks and Connect With Your Audience


Have you ever felt like you're speaking into a void, pouring your heart and soul into your coaching, therapy, or healing business, yet struggling to connect with the people who need you most?


Let me tell you about Emma, a compassionate and talented life coach who found herself in this exact situation. She started her business fueled by a genuine desire to make a difference in people's lives. Yet, she quickly realized that the journey from passion to profits was not as straightforward as she had hoped.


Emma is not alone in this struggle. Many new coaches, therapists, and healers face similar challenges when it comes to reaching their audience and signing up new clients. The business side of things can often feel like a foreign language, with a steep learning curve that leaves many feeling overwhelmed and stuck.


The first hurdle that many new business owners face is the lack of a clear and unique offering. Without a well-defined service that stands out from...

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The Empathetic Marketing Approach: Engaging Clients with Thoughtful Storytelling


In today’s business environment, heart-based entrepreneurs are discovering that the most powerful marketing tool isn't flashy graphics or hard-hitting sales pitches. Instead, it's something infinitely more genuine: empathy. Embracing the empathetic marketing approach, especially through thoughtful storytelling, can transform the way you connect with your clients.

What is Empathetic Marketing?

At its heart, empathetic marketing is about understanding and resonating with the feelings, thoughts, and needs of your audience. It's not about what you want to sell, but about what your clients need to hear. For heart centered professionals, this approach should feel intuitive. After all, empathy is often at the core of what you do.

Why Storytelling?

Stories hold universal appeal. They form the backbone of cultures, shape histories, and personal identities. In marketing, stories have the ability to make a direct impact on our perceptions. They bypass the analytical brain and...

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Where to Find Great Business Networking Opportunities

marketing May 16, 2023


People have been seeking connection with others for thousands of years, yet business networking is a relatively new phenomenon. The more you get out there and network, the more you’ll meet people with whom you can create genuine, mutually beneficial relationships. So, if networking is one of your preferred marketing mediums, the key is to find regular networking opportunities and start building relationships. Here are 8 ways to find places to network.


Networking Sites

Check out networking sites where people list events you can attend. The most popular ones are Meetup and Eventbrite. They list meetings in your local area based around various themes, and it’s an easy way to find events to attend near you.


Social Media

In the same way, you can find events listed on social media. People will advertise opportunities in their news feed and some platforms like Facebook allow you to create events. Use the search function to look for networking opportunities...

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How To Price Your Products or Service ā€“ Communicate the Unique Value

marketing offers pricing sales Jun 07, 2021


Many women in business struggle to price their products or services. How do you know what ‘the right price’ is? One way is to calculate the material, manufacturing cost or hours of planning you’ve put in to the product. Unfortunately, that idea is not the best way of determining a good price. The right way is to match the price to its value, and then focus your marketing on showing your customers this unique value.


Defining the Value of Your Offer

Do you understand the value of your product or service? The value is how well it changes the life of your customer. It saves people money or time, prevents hassles, or solves problems. It’s not only how your product does this, but how it does this differently from other products on the market.


"Your value proposition is an answer to the question: Why should I buy from you and not your competitor?" Neil Patel


To define what about your product sets it apart and helps people solve their...

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What is the Best Marketing Strategy?


There are a wide variety of marketing strategies and processes that the marketing experts will tell us we must follow. But there seems to be new methods or techniques popping up all the time. How do you know which is right for you?

What type of business?

If you have a product based business, your marketing choices will be different to someone who has a service based business. Low ticket items will need a different approach to high ticket items and so on. The key factor here is about reaching the right people using the right methods. So, where do you start?

When it comes to developing your overall marketing strategy, some people say you should be Omnipresent, meaning you cover all bases. Every social media account, networking, public speaking, FB and Google advertising, SEO, radio and magazines. Not to mention YouTube, your own blogs, email marketing and podcasts. The list seems to grow bigger every day.

Does this work?

One problem with that is keeping track of all your...

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How To Write A Marketing Plan


Crafting a marketing plan will help you understand how to get the word out about your offerings. Not only that - as you develop the marketing plan, you’ll also come up with new products and services to provide for your audience. It doesn’t matter if your business is big or small; a marketing plan will help you achieve the results you desire. Your marketing plan can be one page or longer.

Here is a checklist of what you need to do.


* Create a Mission Statement – It can be as simple as describing what you do, for whom, why you do it, and how you do it. It’s just one to three sentences. The best way to create a good mission statement is to look at other mission statements and try to fill in the blanks with your own thoughts for your audience.


* Describe Your Target Audience – You should be able to describe your target audience easily. If you do the research and get to know your audience, you should be able to pick out and describe one...

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Reach Out To Your Local Market


Local marketing is important for any small business. Even if your business is mainly web based you may find that local marketing is still beneficial. Here are some tips to help you build your local marketing campaign:


Build your reputation. Nothing ensures local marketing success more than positive word of mouth. Build a positive business reputation by going beyond what is expected and providing excellent customer service.

Many customers are willing to pay a little extra to get great customer service and individual attention. By building your business to provide this, you ensure that you can retain your customers longer and even raise your rates a little in some cases.


Spread the word.  Talk to locals about your business. Social media has become very powerful recently due to the current quarantine situation.  Use the variety of social media channels to connect with your market. Promote through your own business page...

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How to Get Low-Cost and Free Advertising for Your Small Business


If you want your business to make you money or even just get off the ground, you’re probably going to have to advertise.  For many companies, advertising becomes a huge chunk of the overall budget, but it doesn’t have to be.  There are plenty of free or inexpensive ways to let people know about your business and get them coming back.



Email is a great, cost-effective way for get your name out there, contact potential customers, and keep existing customers up to date and coming back.  And while developing an email list may take some time and effort, sending out an email once you have a list takes very little time. 


You can get email addresses by simply asking visitors to sign up for your newsletter on your web-page, offering a free product or service in exchange for an email address, or asking for them from your customers when you take an order.


The key to success with email is to maintain contact with your mailing list...

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5 Reasons to Have a Business Facebook Page

marketing Jul 23, 2018


If you are not a social media whizz, you may not appreciate the importance of having a Facebook page for your business. Even if you don’t know anything about Facebook or Social Media, it would be a wise move to consider creating a business page.

Below are a few reasons why it would be a good addition to your Marketing Plan.


  1. You can learn about your target audience.

When you start to engage with your Facebook audience you can find out more about their wants and needs. Their responses and comments to your posts will offer valuable insight into how you can serve your customers better.

By offering interesting and useful information to your readers you will build trust in your brand.


  1. Show the human side of your business.

A business is not just the products or services it provides, it’s about the people within that create the feel good buying factor. People buy from people, so let your customers know who you are.


  1. Good for SEO

A Facebook page...

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