Planning for the Future and Long Term Growth


As we wrap up our 30-day money maker challenge, it’s essential not to let the momentum we’ve built just fade away. Now is the perfect time to focus on the future. Planning isn’t just about laying down a roadmap; it’s about clarifying your bigger vision, identifying inspirational goals and preparing to conquer them.

Imagine navigating through unfamiliar territory without a map or compass. That’s what running a business without a plan can feel like. Strategic planning gives you the tools to not only anticipate future challenges but also to seize opportunities that arise. It’s about knowing where you want to go and plotting a course to get there efficiently and effectively.


Why Planning Matters More Than Ever

Life can be super busy for entrepreneurs and it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day operations of your business and lose sight of the bigger picture. Planning helps you step back and view your business from a broader...

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How To Write A Marketing Plan


Crafting a marketing plan will help you understand how to get the word out about your offerings. Not only that - as you develop the marketing plan, you’ll also come up with new products and services to provide for your audience. It doesn’t matter if your business is big or small; a marketing plan will help you achieve the results you desire. Your marketing plan can be one page or longer.

Here is a checklist of what you need to do.


* Create a Mission Statement – It can be as simple as describing what you do, for whom, why you do it, and how you do it. It’s just one to three sentences. The best way to create a good mission statement is to look at other mission statements and try to fill in the blanks with your own thoughts for your audience.


* Describe Your Target Audience – You should be able to describe your target audience easily. If you do the research and get to know your audience, you should be able to pick out and describe one...

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Strategic Planning Tips for Small Business


Many small business owners lack a strategic plan for their business, usually for one of two reasons: either they think that strategic planning is what big companies do therefore, it’s not for them or they don’t understand the advantages of having a strategic plan in place.

However, without an overall strategy, a business lacks the direction it needs to be successful. Businesses may set financial goals, client acquisition goals, or any number of goals, but unless these goals are placed within the framework of a larger strategy, they lose their impact. It can be very easy to go off on tangents whilst pursuing individual goals and by the time the end of the year rolls around, you are miles off course from where you hoped you’d be.

Strategic planning for a small business doesn’t need to be difficult or time consuming, but your plan does need to identify what you want to accomplish and how you intend to achieve those goals.

If you want to start developing...

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How To Create A Simple Financial Plan


Financial planning for your business is critical if you want to achieve your income goals.

Some small businesses just go from week to week hoping that they will have sufficient sales or provide services that will bring in suitable income. This hit and miss approach causes stress and all manner of problems.

A financial plan will establish financial goals, benchmarks and categories for the money you want to bring into your business. From that financial plan – or as part of it, you can create a cash flow forecast, which helps you manage your income and expenditure.

There are different ways to create a financial plan, and it doesn't have to be complicated. Here are two simple models you can choose from.

Model A.

Start with the end in mind. Decide how much turnover you want to bring into the business next year. Remember this is only the gross revenue. Then look at your different revenue streams and assess how much turnover is required from each unit.

For example, if you have...

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The Importance of the “Big” Picture in Business


When you’re starting a business, seeing the “big” picture is important. Many entrepreneurs have stated that had they looked at the small details in their business they may not have started the business in the first place. This is because many of us get bogged down by all the small details and often it can put us off starting something new.

If you’re starting a new venture, here are a few tips to help you stay focused on the “big” picture:


#1 – Don’t Worry. It’s easy to worry about the fine details of starting a business. But it’s important not to get stuck on these. Keep in mind that whatever you don’t know how to do, you can learn or get help with. In business, there are services and experts for just about anything you can imagine. You can always turn to them for help when the time comes. But as the old saying goes – “I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.”


#2 –...

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The Little Guy's Guide to the Big Guy's Strategic Planning Secrets


Business іѕ аll аbоut planning intelligent strategies and wisely implementing thеm. This is the same for even small business, since thе ultimate aim оf а small business іѕ tо grow into а larger business. Hоwеvеr, many people wrongly believe thаt strategic planning іѕ оnlу fоr big players іn thе market. But іf уоu aspire tо compete wіth thеm ѕоmеdау, аnd have а small business оr family business tо run, уоu need tо focus оn strategic planning fоr that family business.

Whаt іѕ Strategic Planning

It involves formulation оf policies аnd business growth strategies оvеr а defined period оf time. Thе time period wоuld typically depend uроn your type of business. Certain businesses in IT оr mobile technology have tо deal wіth changing trends very frequently, hеnсе formulating а five year plan fоr ѕuсh businesses іѕ nоt а feasible option. Thе management саn prepare а strategic plan fоr а single aspect оf thе business оr іt саn focus оn thе business аѕ а whоlе. Thе concerned departments...

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