5 Motivation Mistakes You Could Be Making Right Now


We all have goals we aspire to but in order to reach our goals, motivation is crucial. However, finding the motivation to keep doing the work and achieve these goals can prove extremely challenging.


While struggling to find motivation, you could end up making all kinds of mistakes. Here, you’ll discover just 5 motivation mistakes you could be making right now.


1. You’ve Set Unrealistic Goals


Nothing kills motivation quite like unrealistic goals. You see, if your goals are unrealistic, you’re not going to be able to achieve them no matter how hard you try. You won’t even see any real progression towards getting where you want to be because the bar has been set so high.

If you don’t see positive changes, you’re not going to be able to maintain motivation. Smaller, more realistic goals will help you to boost your motivation, helping you stay on track.


2. Not Celebrating Your Accomplishments


While it’s...

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Practical Methods for Getting More Thinking Done at Work

It is not always easy to work efficiently and effectively when you run your own business. There are external pressures that can de-rail you from your purpose.

Whether you own your own business or are employed, many tasks require significant thought, but internal and external distractions can make it difficult to concentrate.

These are some methods to use in the workplace to help you think better.


Strategies From Within


1.      Clarify your purpose. Remind yourself about why your work matters so you'll feel more motivated. Maybe you want to help a customer have a better day or ensure your company reaches a financial target.

2.      Tap into your unconscious. Put aside difficult dilemmas and do some routine paperwork. Something methodical that keeps the conscious mind occupied. The answers may come to you naturally.

3.      Suspend worrying. Resolve to tackle one issue at a time. Focus on your...

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