Is Your Money Mindset Holding You Back from Business Growth?


Have you wondered if mindset issues are preventing the flow of money into your business? The fact is, almost everyone has limiting beliefs and mindset issues that hold them back from achieving what they want in life. And money issues are no different.
These blocks around money often stem from our early experiences and influences from key people in our lives. Add your own money personality to the mix and you have a collection of thoughts and beliefs that will either help or hinder your dreams.

You may see evidence of these mindset issues in missed opportunities or unfinished projects. The invitation to speak at an online event you turned down because you didn't feel ready. Or that e-book you wrote 6 months ago that you haven’t launched because you think your writing isn’t good enough, even though you could have hired an editor to help you with it. In fact, you might have already started on another project instead of launching the first, second, or third.


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6 Ways to Stay on Track with Your Goals


If you want to be successful, one of the most important steps is setting goals.  If you just work to get things done, you end up going through the motions with no real purpose or drive. This is especially important as we move into the last part of the year. Now is the time to review the goals you set earlier and see if they are still relevant and important. There is still plenty of time to achieve your goals so here are a few tips to stay on track.


1. Write it down.

When it comes to keeping appointments and meeting deadlines, most people have to write them down —or else they somehow disappear until after they’ve passed. The same is true with goals. There is something magical that happens between the brain and the pen. By writing your goals down - and seeing your goals written, it reinforces that goal and makes it more attainable.

“By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want...

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3 Reasons You're Not Making More Money


If you are a coach or a service provider signing up new clients is your life blood. Serving clients consistently is your number one source of income but it’s not always easy to turn that prospect into a paying client.

Over my years of working with women in the service industry I have noticed three shortcomings that get in the way of them having all the clients they want.

  1. They charge by the hour
  2. They only offer single sessions or one off ‘fixes’
  3. They don’t like to ‘sell’ to their prospects.


When most coaches or service providers complete their training they know very little about how to attract and sign on new clients. The information they have probably received is to start out charging ‘X’ amount per hour and slowly build their reputation. Although this is one choice, it’s not a viable option for the long term.

Charging by the hour is a trap that causes stress because you are in a constant state of worry trying to...

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5 Motivation Mistakes You Could Be Making Right Now


We all have goals we aspire to but in order to reach our goals, motivation is crucial. However, finding the motivation to keep doing the work and achieve these goals can prove extremely challenging.


While struggling to find motivation, you could end up making all kinds of mistakes. Here, you’ll discover just 5 motivation mistakes you could be making right now.


1. You’ve Set Unrealistic Goals


Nothing kills motivation quite like unrealistic goals. You see, if your goals are unrealistic, you’re not going to be able to achieve them no matter how hard you try. You won’t even see any real progression towards getting where you want to be because the bar has been set so high.

If you don’t see positive changes, you’re not going to be able to maintain motivation. Smaller, more realistic goals will help you to boost your motivation, helping you stay on track.


2. Not Celebrating Your Accomplishments


While it’s...

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3 Tips for Digital Communication


When you’re speaking to someone face to face, it’s easy to understand what they’re saying. After all, we don’t only speak with our mouths; we actually communicate using our bodies too. When face to face, you can read someone’s hand gestures, body language, tone of voice and facial expressions. All of this makes it very easy to understand what the person is saying.


Online it’s a whole different story. When you’re communicating with someone via email, forums or even webcasts it’s not always so easy.  You don’t have the ability to gather visual feedback in the same way.


However, by following a few simple rules you can make your digital communication a whole lot easier.


#1 - Write clearly. It’s often difficult to write down what is actually quite easy to say. But writing in a long-winded way can be confusing to the reader. Instead, think about what you mean to say and write in short, clear...

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5 Methods To Increase Productivity When Working From Home


Given the current environment many of you may be working from home for a while yet.

When you're working from home you should always be looking for ways to increase your productivity. More work done in less time means more time to kick back, relax and have fun. Here are a few suggestions that can really make a difference:

  1. Keep a daily routine

Some people who are new to working from home will scoff at the idea of anything resembling a daily schedule. The truth, though, is that it can really boost productivity and prevent work from spilling over into your spare time. By starting and stopping work at approximately the same times every day, you ensure you'll have plenty of time to recharge afterwards, which is ultimately great for productivity.

  1. Always plan ahead

Something as simple as a daily to-do list can do wonders for your productivity. Sure, deciding on the spot what to do next has a certain charm, but it leaves you spending too much time on deciding, and too little on...

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5 Ways To Lower Business Stress


Everyone who manages a business has to deal with a multitude of issues which can lead to enormous pressure and stress.

Expectations, deadlines, achievements, and goals can all add up to a bucket full of stress, more than you’d like to be carrying.

Choosing ways to reduce the load is a great way to work smarter rather than harder. Here are five ways you can reduce the pressures at work to lower your stress levels:

  1. Recognize What You Can And Can’t Control

The well-known Serenity Prayer can be useful for all, whether you are a recovering alcoholic or not! “God, grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference.” Being able to discern the difference between what you can and what you cannot control removes a lot of unnecessary stress. You can immediately stop stressing over all the things you cannot control. This frees up energy to focus on what you can control.

  1. Breathe
  2. ...
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Mindpower Tips For Success


Have you been struggling in your Entrepreneurial journey? Do you keep trying but it seems like everything you do is a waste?  Are you starting to think that maybe success isn’t possible? 

Well, I’m glad to say you’re wrong.  In fact, there’s a decent chance you’re already doing everything right.  The problem isn’t what you’re doing; it’s how you’re thinking.  If you want to achieve success, whether it’s at work, at home, or while you’re playing minesweeper on the computer, the key to achieving what you want is positive thinking.


Whether through genetics, or through learning from others around us, most of us have been programmed to think negatively about a situation.  We finish a project and instead of being excited, we are worried it’s not good enough or are already looking forward to the next project we haven’t finished yet.  Even the most creative and...

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3 Simple Tips To Increase Productivity


Lack of productivity is something many of us suffer with, especially at this time of year. The sun is out, the children are on holiday and there is so much you would rather be doing. Settling down to a regular work routine can be a challenge.


Here are a few tips designed to help anyone who is struggling with their productivity levels.


#1 – Stay focused. This is easier said than done, but one sure way to boost your productivity is by staying focused on one task at a time. Studies have shown that those of us who “multitask” actually get less done. Having your email program open along with several other windows on your computer is very distracting and will take away from your ability to focus on the task at hand.


Try to do one thing at a time. If you’re checking your email, stay focused on that until you finish. If you’re doing your accounts, give yourself a set amount of time to only work on that task before moving on to...

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How To Create A Simple Financial Plan


Financial planning for your business is critical if you want to achieve your income goals.

Some small businesses just go from week to week hoping that they will have sufficient sales or provide services that will bring in suitable income. This hit and miss approach causes stress and all manner of problems.

A financial plan will establish financial goals, benchmarks and categories for the money you want to bring into your business. From that financial plan – or as part of it, you can create a cash flow forecast, which helps you manage your income and expenditure.

There are different ways to create a financial plan, and it doesn't have to be complicated. Here are two simple models you can choose from.

Model A.

Start with the end in mind. Decide how much turnover you want to bring into the business next year. Remember this is only the gross revenue. Then look at your different revenue streams and assess how much turnover is required from each unit.

For example, if you have...

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