Is Your Money Mindset Holding You Back from Business Growth?


Have you wondered if mindset issues are preventing the flow of money into your business? The fact is, almost everyone has limiting beliefs and mindset issues that hold them back from achieving what they want in life. And money issues are no different.
These blocks around money often stem from our early experiences and influences from key people in our lives. Add your own money personality to the mix and you have a collection of thoughts and beliefs that will either help or hinder your dreams.

You may see evidence of these mindset issues in missed opportunities or unfinished projects. The invitation to speak at an online event you turned down because you didn't feel ready. Or that e-book you wrote 6 months ago that you haven’t launched because you think your writing isn’t good enough, even though you could have hired an editor to help you with it. In fact, you might have already started on another project instead of launching the first, second, or third.


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4 Keys Every Entrepreneur Should Consider when Building a Business.



When setting out to build your business, many advisors will tell you to set your goals, create a plan, develop a framework and take action – otherwise known as executing your plan. Although this is excellent advice, in this article I offer some additional aspects to consider while growing a successful business. Your Mindset, Skillset, Resources and Actions



Mindset comes before everything else. The way you think about a situation and the beliefs behind those thoughts will have a major impact on what you decide to do in your business.

If your mindset is one of skepticism, worry or doubt then the actions you take will reflect that. If, on the other hand, your mindset shows optimism, clarity and certainty, then you will propel yourself into positive action.


“I’ve never known a person who was successful that didn’t at first establish a mindset of success. You can’t be that which you can’t believe.” –...
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The Little Guy's Guide to the Big Guy's Strategic Planning Secrets


Business іѕ аll аbоut planning intelligent strategies and wisely implementing thеm. This is the same for even small business, since thе ultimate aim оf а small business іѕ tо grow into а larger business. Hоwеvеr, many people wrongly believe thаt strategic planning іѕ оnlу fоr big players іn thе market. But іf уоu aspire tо compete wіth thеm ѕоmеdау, аnd have а small business оr family business tо run, уоu need tо focus оn strategic planning fоr that family business.

Whаt іѕ Strategic Planning

It involves formulation оf policies аnd business growth strategies оvеr а defined period оf time. Thе time period wоuld typically depend uроn your type of business. Certain businesses in IT оr mobile technology have tо deal wіth changing trends very frequently, hеnсе formulating а five year plan fоr ѕuсh businesses іѕ nоt а feasible option. Thе management саn prepare а strategic plan fоr а single aspect оf thе business оr іt саn focus оn thе business аѕ а whоlе. Thе concerned departments...

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