How your Money Memories Impact your Financial Success


Personal finance is more than just numbers and budgets; it's often tied to our beliefs and emotions related to money.
Understanding your "money blocks" – the subconscious beliefs that limit your financial potential – can be a game-changer. These blocks often stem from our early experiences and the influence of key people in our lives, like parents or mentors.

Let's break it down. Think back to your childhood and the role money played in your family. Was it a source of stress, or was there a sense of abundance? These early impressions form the basis of our financial attitudes. For example, if money was always tight, you might find yourself either overly cautious or perhaps a bit reckless with your finances, as a reaction to those formative years.


Authority figures in our lives also shape our money mindset. The lessons from a teacher, the advice of a family friend, or even the habits of a respected elder leave lasting imprints. These influences can manifest...

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Is Your Money Mindset Holding You Back from Business Growth?


Have you wondered if mindset issues are preventing the flow of money into your business? The fact is, almost everyone has limiting beliefs and mindset issues that hold them back from achieving what they want in life. And money issues are no different.
These blocks around money often stem from our early experiences and influences from key people in our lives. Add your own money personality to the mix and you have a collection of thoughts and beliefs that will either help or hinder your dreams.

You may see evidence of these mindset issues in missed opportunities or unfinished projects. The invitation to speak at an online event you turned down because you didn't feel ready. Or that e-book you wrote 6 months ago that you haven’t launched because you think your writing isn’t good enough, even though you could have hired an editor to help you with it. In fact, you might have already started on another project instead of launching the first, second, or third.


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Reframe, Heal, and Prosper: How Addressing Limiting Beliefs Can Ignite Your Business Growth

mindset Jul 27, 2023


In the world of entrepreneurship, invisible barriers often stand between a business and its full potential. These barriers are not market fluctuations, competition, or economic downturns, but something far more personal and insidious - limiting beliefs and past traumas. For heart-centered entrepreneurs, people who have chosen a path that aligns with their values and passions, these internal obstacles can be a major stumbling block to their success.    


These entrepreneurs are committed to serving others and making a positive impact in the world. However, they may find themselves grappling with self-doubt, fear, and hesitation, all stemming from deeply ingrained limiting beliefs and past traumas. When left unaddressed, these internal barriers can suppress  growth and prevent their businesses from flourishing.


 "You begin to fly when you let go of self-limiting beliefs and allow your mind and aspirations to rise to greater heights."...

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5 Traps To Avoid When Changing Your Money Mindset

Image by Katt Yukawa


The way we think about money has a powerful effect on our financial situation, so if you have tried, unsuccessfully, to change your money mindset, you could be falling into one of these common traps.

Like any habit, developing a positive money mindset takes time and persistence. You will slip up along the way, it’s natural. However, if you find yourself slipping up frequently, it’s important to look at the mistakes you could be making.

Here, you’ll discover some of the most common traps you could be falling into that are compromising your money mindset.


Playing it safe

When you’re worried about money, it’s easy to play it safe. What if you invest in something and it doesn’t pay off? For example, you want to grow your business, but you’re worried putting more money into it will be a waste in case it goes wrong.

Playing it safe may allow you to hold onto the money you have. However, it’s not going to...

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7 Tips To Develop a Success Mindset

 Image -andrea-piacquadio


Did you know that your state of mind can make the difference between a successful business and a failed one? It can also make a big impact on your personal level of satisfaction. The key is to learn how to develop a success mindset. So, here are some tips.


Write Down Your Dreams

Keep a list handy of all the reasons you started your business. Look at it whenever you feel overwhelmed or negative. Remind yourself of why you're doing this. This list might include financial goals, too, and why you want to earn that money.


Be Realistic

Having impossible-to-reach goals is a recipe for discouragement. You want to have goals that are high enough to inspire you, but not so high that you miss them again and again. If you are having trouble achieving your goals or thinking positively towards them, stop and take another look at your goals. Maybe you need to soften them a bit so they become more attainable.


Challenge Yourself

On the other...

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4 Keys Every Entrepreneur Should Consider when Building a Business.



When setting out to build your business, many advisors will tell you to set your goals, create a plan, develop a framework and take action – otherwise known as executing your plan. Although this is excellent advice, in this article I offer some additional aspects to consider while growing a successful business. Your Mindset, Skillset, Resources and Actions



Mindset comes before everything else. The way you think about a situation and the beliefs behind those thoughts will have a major impact on what you decide to do in your business.

If your mindset is one of skepticism, worry or doubt then the actions you take will reflect that. If, on the other hand, your mindset shows optimism, clarity and certainty, then you will propel yourself into positive action.


“I’ve never known a person who was successful that didn’t at first establish a mindset of success. You can’t be that which you can’t believe.” –...
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Mindpower Tips For Success


Have you been struggling in your Entrepreneurial journey? Do you keep trying but it seems like everything you do is a waste?  Are you starting to think that maybe success isn’t possible? 

Well, I’m glad to say you’re wrong.  In fact, there’s a decent chance you’re already doing everything right.  The problem isn’t what you’re doing; it’s how you’re thinking.  If you want to achieve success, whether it’s at work, at home, or while you’re playing minesweeper on the computer, the key to achieving what you want is positive thinking.


Whether through genetics, or through learning from others around us, most of us have been programmed to think negatively about a situation.  We finish a project and instead of being excited, we are worried it’s not good enough or are already looking forward to the next project we haven’t finished yet.  Even the most creative and...

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What's Mindset Got To Do With Money?

Whenever I start working with business owners I ask ‘how much money do you want to make?’ and inevitably the reply is not a dollar amount.

I hear replies like - I just want enough to pay the bills, I want to offer really good services to people – the money is not important or my favorite – I’ll let the accountant take care of that.

The other set of responses I hear are a bunch of excuses as to why making more must be a lot more work or why they can't make more because they're "just getting started" or I hear a long, detailed story explaining what they're planning to do etc. etc.

It is only after a lot of encouragement that the business owners actually state a figure.

Why do we do this? Why is it so hard to put a monetary goal into your business? I think for many people we have been brainwashed into the idea that it’s not ‘nice’ to talk about money. Or that making lots of money is somehow not spiritual or just plain bad!

These are...

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Overcoming Failures to Reach Success


The word failure is often used to describe a situation in which your desired goals were not realized at a specific point in time. There are many reasons that could have played a part in your goal not being realized and absolutely none of them have to do with your value as a person.


Let’s break down some of the ideas behind unhealthy views of failure and see how taking a more positive approach can help you realize success:

·         If you are trying out for the high school basketball team and you don't make the cut, this doesn’t make you a failure. It simply means that under these specific circumstances, the coach didn’t believe that you possessed the necessary skills to play on this particular team at this point in time.

·         What much of the pain stems from when not reaching a desired goal is your attachment to outcomes. If you define your own value...

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