Mastering the Skills to Sign New Clients


The art of signing up new clients is vital for the success of any service business. The ability to effectively acquire new clients is not just about employing the right techniques; it's about cultivating a success mindset that empowers you to approach potential clients with confidence and professionalism.   


Understanding the Importance of a Client-Centred Approach

Have you ever walked into a store only to have the salesperson start pitching every item in sight? Overwhelming, isn’t it? Now, think of a time when you entered a store and the salesperson greeted you, smiled and asked what you were looking for then listened to your needs before suggesting a perfect solution. Effective selling is about making the prospective client feel heard and understood. This approach not only builds trust but also increases the likelihood of a sale because your solutions are aligned with their needs.


Developing Your Sales Skills

To sign up new clients effectively,...

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How To Price Your Products or Service ā€“ Communicate the Unique Value

marketing offers pricing sales Jun 07, 2021


Many women in business struggle to price their products or services. How do you know what ‘the right price’ is? One way is to calculate the material, manufacturing cost or hours of planning you’ve put in to the product. Unfortunately, that idea is not the best way of determining a good price. The right way is to match the price to its value, and then focus your marketing on showing your customers this unique value.


Defining the Value of Your Offer

Do you understand the value of your product or service? The value is how well it changes the life of your customer. It saves people money or time, prevents hassles, or solves problems. It’s not only how your product does this, but how it does this differently from other products on the market.


"Your value proposition is an answer to the question: Why should I buy from you and not your competitor?" Neil Patel


To define what about your product sets it apart and helps people solve their...

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How to Get Low-Cost and Free Advertising for Your Small Business


If you want your business to make you money or even just get off the ground, you’re probably going to have to advertise.  For many companies, advertising becomes a huge chunk of the overall budget, but it doesn’t have to be.  There are plenty of free or inexpensive ways to let people know about your business and get them coming back.



Email is a great, cost-effective way for get your name out there, contact potential customers, and keep existing customers up to date and coming back.  And while developing an email list may take some time and effort, sending out an email once you have a list takes very little time. 


You can get email addresses by simply asking visitors to sign up for your newsletter on your web-page, offering a free product or service in exchange for an email address, or asking for them from your customers when you take an order.


The key to success with email is to maintain contact with your mailing list...

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