The Art of Pricing for Entrepreneurs


One of the most overlooked aspect of increasing revenue for many solopreneurs is pricing. People often have major money mindset blocks around what they feel comfortable charging for their goods or services.


Money Mindset and Pricing

You may realize by now that your money mindset plays a crucial role in how you set your prices. If you hold beliefs that undervalue your worth or fear high prices will scare clients away, you might find yourself charging less than the value you provide. This mindset can severely limit your business's earning potential and growth. Shifting to a mindset that recognizes and champions the value of your services is vital for adopting a pricing strategy that truly reflects the worth of your work.

Let’s look at this mindset issue.

Just because you find a product or service easy to deliver, and therefore undervalue it, doesn't mean your customers share the same opinion. While you may have honed your skills over years, making tasks seem...

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3 Reasons You're Not Making More Money


If you are a coach or a service provider signing up new clients is your life blood. Serving clients consistently is your number one source of income but it’s not always easy to turn that prospect into a paying client.

Over my years of working with women in the service industry I have noticed three shortcomings that get in the way of them having all the clients they want.

  1. They charge by the hour
  2. They only offer single sessions or one off ‘fixes’
  3. They don’t like to ‘sell’ to their prospects.


When most coaches or service providers complete their training they know very little about how to attract and sign on new clients. The information they have probably received is to start out charging ‘X’ amount per hour and slowly build their reputation. Although this is one choice, it’s not a viable option for the long term.

Charging by the hour is a trap that causes stress because you are in a constant state of worry trying to...

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How Price-Guilt Sabotages Your Confidence and Your Business

offers pricing Aug 21, 2022


It would be true to say that there is more to creating a fulfilling business than making money.  People in the personal development or healing industries don’t usually start their business with the primary intention of making a fortune.


The only problem is, many heart centered business owners have a charitable mindset, and feel compelled to give away their services for very little, or indeed, free. When they think about charging higher prices they feel swamped with guilt. They say “ What if my client can’t afford to pay.  They really need my services!” or “ Who am I to charge that sort of money for what I love to do?”


When I first started out in business I charged what I thought was a suitable price. It was not until I started hiring an office with like minded businesses that I was told I was seriously undercharging. I duly raised my fees and every time I asked my clients to pay I felt embarrassed and guilty. I would...

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How To Price Your Products or Service ā€“ Communicate the Unique Value

marketing offers pricing sales Jun 07, 2021


Many women in business struggle to price their products or services. How do you know what ‘the right price’ is? One way is to calculate the material, manufacturing cost or hours of planning you’ve put in to the product. Unfortunately, that idea is not the best way of determining a good price. The right way is to match the price to its value, and then focus your marketing on showing your customers this unique value.


Defining the Value of Your Offer

Do you understand the value of your product or service? The value is how well it changes the life of your customer. It saves people money or time, prevents hassles, or solves problems. It’s not only how your product does this, but how it does this differently from other products on the market.


"Your value proposition is an answer to the question: Why should I buy from you and not your competitor?" Neil Patel


To define what about your product sets it apart and helps people solve their...

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