5 Traps To Avoid When Changing Your Money Mindset

Image by Katt Yukawa


The way we think about money has a powerful effect on our financial situation, so if you have tried, unsuccessfully, to change your money mindset, you could be falling into one of these common traps.

Like any habit, developing a positive money mindset takes time and persistence. You will slip up along the way, it’s natural. However, if you find yourself slipping up frequently, it’s important to look at the mistakes you could be making.

Here, you’ll discover some of the most common traps you could be falling into that are compromising your money mindset.


Playing it safe

When you’re worried about money, it’s easy to play it safe. What if you invest in something and it doesn’t pay off? For example, you want to grow your business, but you’re worried putting more money into it will be a waste in case it goes wrong.

Playing it safe may allow you to hold onto the money you have. However, it’s not going to...

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7 Tips To Develop a Success Mindset

 Image -andrea-piacquadio


Did you know that your state of mind can make the difference between a successful business and a failed one? It can also make a big impact on your personal level of satisfaction. The key is to learn how to develop a success mindset. So, here are some tips.


Write Down Your Dreams

Keep a list handy of all the reasons you started your business. Look at it whenever you feel overwhelmed or negative. Remind yourself of why you're doing this. This list might include financial goals, too, and why you want to earn that money.


Be Realistic

Having impossible-to-reach goals is a recipe for discouragement. You want to have goals that are high enough to inspire you, but not so high that you miss them again and again. If you are having trouble achieving your goals or thinking positively towards them, stop and take another look at your goals. Maybe you need to soften them a bit so they become more attainable.


Challenge Yourself

On the other...

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Follow Your Passions For A Happier More Abundant Life



Imagine having to clock into a job daily that you hate. The work is mundane, the commute is long, and maybe your manager is making life difficult. Would you enjoy waking up every morning?


While we all have to make money to survive, we all deserve to feel fulfilled after completing a good day’s work. Yes, we may receive a paycheck at the end of the week, but does that really make up for all the unhappy moments? Surely, the answer to that question is a resounding no.


You may have noticed blogs, books and articles about finding your passion and wondered if that is what’s lacking in your life. The fact is that there are thousands of people all over the world looking for a better way. A way out of the 9 to 5 drag. A way to find more fulfillment and abundance in their lives.


In order to really live a life of abundance, fulfillment and walk in your truth, you must follow your passion. Although this sounds like a far-far-fetched idea,...

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3 Tips To Reset Your Brain For Stress Relief


Do you get that droopy feeling toward the end of the week and feel that it takes a huge effort to concentrate? It could be that your brain is just plain tired.


When your brain feels fried, it’s a good sign it’s time to sit back and rest for a while. No one can be productive, happy, or even remotely capable of accomplishing anything when their brain is on overdrive. In a society in which being busy is glamourized as amazing, so many people are overworked, overdoing it, and overwhelmed. No one wants to live like that, and that’s why it’s so important to learn how to reset your brain and let go of some stress.


1. Work Out

Take time to get physical. Do what you love to do. It doesn’t have to be a gym membership and heavy weight-training. You can focus your physical exercise by jogging, taking walks, doing yoga, dancing or playing football with the kids. Do something you enjoy, and focus on pushing yourself. Just when you think you...

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5 Motivation Mistakes You Could Be Making Right Now


We all have goals we aspire to but in order to reach our goals, motivation is crucial. However, finding the motivation to keep doing the work and achieve these goals can prove extremely challenging.


While struggling to find motivation, you could end up making all kinds of mistakes. Here, you’ll discover just 5 motivation mistakes you could be making right now.


1. You’ve Set Unrealistic Goals


Nothing kills motivation quite like unrealistic goals. You see, if your goals are unrealistic, you’re not going to be able to achieve them no matter how hard you try. You won’t even see any real progression towards getting where you want to be because the bar has been set so high.

If you don’t see positive changes, you’re not going to be able to maintain motivation. Smaller, more realistic goals will help you to boost your motivation, helping you stay on track.


2. Not Celebrating Your Accomplishments


While it’s...

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4 Keys Every Entrepreneur Should Consider when Building a Business.



When setting out to build your business, many advisors will tell you to set your goals, create a plan, develop a framework and take action – otherwise known as executing your plan. Although this is excellent advice, in this article I offer some additional aspects to consider while growing a successful business. Your Mindset, Skillset, Resources and Actions



Mindset comes before everything else. The way you think about a situation and the beliefs behind those thoughts will have a major impact on what you decide to do in your business.

If your mindset is one of skepticism, worry or doubt then the actions you take will reflect that. If, on the other hand, your mindset shows optimism, clarity and certainty, then you will propel yourself into positive action.


“I’ve never known a person who was successful that didn’t at first establish a mindset of success. You can’t be that which you can’t believe.” –...
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How To Price Your Products or Service ā€“ Communicate the Unique Value

marketing offers pricing sales Jun 07, 2021


Many women in business struggle to price their products or services. How do you know what ‘the right price’ is? One way is to calculate the material, manufacturing cost or hours of planning you’ve put in to the product. Unfortunately, that idea is not the best way of determining a good price. The right way is to match the price to its value, and then focus your marketing on showing your customers this unique value.


Defining the Value of Your Offer

Do you understand the value of your product or service? The value is how well it changes the life of your customer. It saves people money or time, prevents hassles, or solves problems. It’s not only how your product does this, but how it does this differently from other products on the market.


"Your value proposition is an answer to the question: Why should I buy from you and not your competitor?" Neil Patel


To define what about your product sets it apart and helps people solve their...

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What is the Best Marketing Strategy?


There are a wide variety of marketing strategies and processes that the marketing experts will tell us we must follow. But there seems to be new methods or techniques popping up all the time. How do you know which is right for you?

What type of business?

If you have a product based business, your marketing choices will be different to someone who has a service based business. Low ticket items will need a different approach to high ticket items and so on. The key factor here is about reaching the right people using the right methods. So, where do you start?

When it comes to developing your overall marketing strategy, some people say you should be Omnipresent, meaning you cover all bases. Every social media account, networking, public speaking, FB and Google advertising, SEO, radio and magazines. Not to mention YouTube, your own blogs, email marketing and podcasts. The list seems to grow bigger every day.

Does this work?

One problem with that is keeping track of all your...

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Holiday Productivity - 6 Time Management Tools To Help Keep You Sane


The end of the year always seems to come in a rush. So much to do - so little time. Co-ordinating  marketing campaigns, sales, deliveries, staffing and, of course, managing the Christmas break. The list of what needs to get done at this time of year can become overwhelming. Sometimes we are not even aware of how much time is taken up with the various projects we may have on the go at once.

That is where technology can come to the rescue. You just need to know what is available and which tools to use. 

Here are 6 time management tools that can help you improve productivity.



With Toggl you can keep better track of the time you spend working on projects and tasks and is an excellent alternative to time-sheets. Effective time management starts with being clear on how much time you are actually spending on your projects and tasks, and then through careful analysis, working out how you can better manage them. 

Another option to look at is...

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3 Tips for Digital Communication


When you’re speaking to someone face to face, it’s easy to understand what they’re saying. After all, we don’t only speak with our mouths; we actually communicate using our bodies too. When face to face, you can read someone’s hand gestures, body language, tone of voice and facial expressions. All of this makes it very easy to understand what the person is saying.


Online it’s a whole different story. When you’re communicating with someone via email, forums or even webcasts it’s not always so easy.  You don’t have the ability to gather visual feedback in the same way.


However, by following a few simple rules you can make your digital communication a whole lot easier.


#1 - Write clearly. It’s often difficult to write down what is actually quite easy to say. But writing in a long-winded way can be confusing to the reader. Instead, think about what you mean to say and write in short, clear...

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